Not Another Monster: Why I will not Give Birth to a Man

And Why You shouldn't Either.

It seem like every morning, another traumatizing story about a women whose rights have been violently taken from her makes its way to me. Because our society apparently does not want to help end this suffering, I, and hopefully you too, am deciding to take action in what could be the most effective method yet; by aborting any male children I might potentially have.

If you think this sounds extreme, consider the fact that 65% U.S. women will be raped in their lifetimes, and 92.8% of rapists never receive any form of punishment. These facts become even more alarming when you take in to account that virtually 100% of rapes are committed by, you guessed it, men.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s about survival. Our laws won’t protect us, and so we have to to what we can to ensure our rights are protected. By using your right to choose to have an abortion, you will undoubtedly prevent a future rape. This is what’s known as a ‘win-win’ scenario; because it spares women from a fate worse than death, and deny’s life to a monster.

The hashtag #notanothermonster is already becoming a trending topic in the U.S. I hope you will join me in supporting this cause.

19 Comments on Not Another Monster: Why I will not Give Birth to a Man

      • How about if I dad-splain it for you? Clearly a father is missing from your life.

        Taken aback by your loathsome article I had to seek the advice of my female family members.

        First, you are wrong about your figures based on the government figures of the UK, EU, USA and Australia.

        Second, my beloved 8-year old daughter, her mother and my elderly mother strongly disagree with you, because they have a loving father/son/friend.

        Finally, little Sophia says that you are “a loser” and that you would have to go through her first if you wanted to kill her father or her brothers, …so at least there’s hope for the future.

  1. Feminists makers.on.nimp.org
    Is already working on it.
    The Patriarchy managed to get it blocked, but you can still get around it because men can’t do anything right.

  2. A) 65% is waaaaay too high; let alone I can’t find where exactly you are pulling that number from the statistics you linked in the article.

    B) The survey they use is the NCVS 08-12 Statistics in which they ask:
    (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) has anyone attacked or threatened you in any of these ways (Exclude telephone threats) – Any rape, attempted rape or other type of sexual attack –

    Note the wording of threaten, which is a difficult to prove. Let alone, that statistic ignores that most rapists are repeat offenders among other things.

    C) Imagine the context of what you are saying; those that believe black people to be violent or mentally handicap to be drained will start to abort and or adopt. Do you understand the stupidity of your statement?

  3. Oh for the love of Todd, even ignoring the blatantly false statements, flawed logic and the fact the fact that you’re advocating for gender discrimination despite the fact that you call yourself “champions of equal rights” or some related s***, there’s also the matter that this is a 4chan hoax that no one has seemed to figure out yet, are you really this f****** dumb?

  4. If you want to truly empower our community and stop victimization, go help a stressed out parent or volunteer at a homeless shelter or early childhood program. Then you can teach boys and girls to feel empowered, strong, and to value each other and in turn you will decrease the victim & perpetrator pools.

  5. Yet you are happy to F*** a man? Dont be a hypocrite. Stay away from men and you won’t have any “potential male pregnancies”. I hate men and while its true, more men rape… its not 100%. There is many women (babysitters, kindegarden teachers etc.) who fondle and take photographs of children and are often involvee in distributing illegal images or protecting men which is worse. While there is more of a chance of a man physically hurting someone, it’s still a risk to have a girl. Its better to take an anti-natalist stance which I have. Humans in general are pretty s***… either they cause suffering, suffer themselves, both or are just plain ignorantly happy. Its betterto get sterilized and have no kids at all but that takes serious consideration. Unfortunately we will never wipe out men. Therefore its best to not bring a criminal (possible male) OR a victim (possible girl) into the world.

  6. Gendercide is the systematic killing of members of a specific gender. The term is related to the general concepts of assault and murder against victims due to their gender, with violence against women and men being problems dealt with by human rights efforts. . . .when this was little girls in China and India what did you think of it? It was a crime against humanity. . . . as this movement would be. . .

  7. Gendercide is the systematic killing of members of a specific gender. The term is related to the general concepts of assault and murder against victims due to their gender, with violence against women and men being problems dealt with by human rights efforts. . . .when this was little girls in China and India what did you think of it? It was a crime against humanity. . . . as this movement would be. . .

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